dolphin kissing girl in wetsuit and life vest
Zoo-More Experiences

Dolphin In-Water Adventure

Available Year-Round During a Zoo Visit

Experience the World of Dolphins – In the Water!

The Indianapolis Zoo is the only place in the Midwest where you can get in the water with dolphins! Whether you reserve this experience for yourself or as a gift for a loved one, the Dolphin In-Water Adventure is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet these amazing marine mammals up close.

The 90-minute program includes an informational session about dolphins, 30 minutes of memories at the dolphin pool and souvenirs.

Payment in full is required at the time of registration.

Please note: This is a wade-in program. No swimming is involved. Each session includes up to eight participants.

Hudson and Kimo DIW
Dates and Cost
  • Jan 11 – May 18 – Saturdays & Sundays at 9:45am
  • May 23 – June 30 – Friday, Saturday & Sunday at 9:45am
Cost (Includes Zoo admission for participants and observers):
  • Participant only: Member: $245 | Nonmember: $275
  • Participant + one complimentary Observer: Member: $245 | Nonmember: $275
  • Participant + 2 Observers: Member: $285 | Nonmember: $315
Gabby and Calypso DIW
Participant Requirements
  • All participants must be at least 4 feet, 6 inches tall (54 inches minimum). Zoo staff will measure participants upon arrival, and those who are not tall enough will not be able to participate.
  • All participants must be at least 6 years old. There is no maximum age.
  • Participants ages 6-13 who meet the height requirement must also be accompanied by an adult, either as a paid participant or an observer. Those ages 14 or older can participate unaccompanied.
  • Observers must be at least 6 years old. Those 6–13 years old must be accompanied by a paid adult observer. Only registered observers will be able to view the interaction. Observers are encouraged to take photos of this special interaction.
  • For your safety and for the animals’ safety, if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, you may not participate in this program.
  • We strive to create an inclusive experience for everyone at the Indianapolis Zoo. If anyone in your group has physical restrictions or is neurodivergent, please contact us at

Dolphin In-Water Adventure FAQs

What do I need to bring?
  • Participants need to bring a bathing suit and a bag to hold their belongings (towel, change of clothes, personal toiletries, etc.).
  • Each guest will be provided with their own locked changing area, locker, and shower.
  • All jewelry (watches, rings, earrings, etc.) must either be removed or covered by the wetsuit.
  • After the program participants will be led back to the locker room to change.
What happens during the program?
  • Guests meet at the Polly Horton Hix Education building near the Zoo entrance. Zoo staff check-in each participant and observer, and then lead them over to the St. Vincent Ascension Dolphin Pavilion for a brief 20 minute classroom session about our bottlenose dolphins and how we care for them.
  • Guests have reserved seating for the 10:30am Dolphin Presentation.
  • After the presentation, guests return to the locker room area to change into their swimsuits and wetsuits.
  • Participants meet with one of our dolphin trainers to receive information before heading to the pools.
  • Participants are in the water and/or interacting pool-side for approximately 30 minutes.
  • The salt-water pool is 18 feet deep with a wide ledge that is 3 feet, 6 inches below the water. Stepped and ramped access to the ledge is available. The water temperature ranges from 78-81 degrees and may feel somewhat cool at first.
What should I expect from the dolphins?
  • The dolphins are curious and playful and seem to enjoy interacting with people and have been trained for this program for several years. They especially seem to enjoy being touched.
  • Some wild dolphins have displayed a natural curiosity about people. At the Indianapolis Zoo, the dolphins have bonded with their trainers and associate people with something positive.
  • Dolphins are predators and have rather sharp teeth. Dolphins will bite one another to establish dominance. Under the supervision of our trainers and provided that participants follow our guidelines while in the pool, you will most likely have a positive interaction with the dolphins.

Cancellation Policy

We require 10 days’ advanced notice for any refunds or rescheduling requests for Dolphin In-Water Adventure.

No requests for changes or refunds will be honored after this time. If you do not attend on your scheduled date or cancel within the required time frame of your Educational Program date, no refunds will be issued. Please read program details and requirements closely before signing up to ensure all participating members of your party meet any age or height requirements.

If the Zoo must cancel this program due to animal well-being or weather, you will be notified by phone and sent an email. You will have 14 days from that notification to reschedule your event to a future date. If you do not reach out to reschedule within this period, you will be issued a refund and are welcome to rebook on your own at a time convenient for you.