guest feeding a giraffe
Plan Ahead

Visit the Zoo


Thursday, 03/27 - 12:00PM
Location: Indianapolis Zoo
Thursday, 03/27 - 1:00PM
Brown Bear Chat
Location: Forests
Thursday, 03/27 - 2:00PM
Walrus Chat
Location: Walrus Underwater Viewing
Thursday, 03/27 - 2:00PM
Chicken Chat
Location: Bicentennial Pavilion
Thursday, 03/27 - 2:30PM
Feed a Ray
Location: Oceans
Thursday, 03/27 - 2:30PM
Dolphin Presentation
Location: Ascension St. Vincent Dolphin Pavilion
Thursday, 03/27 - 3:00PM
Chimpanzee Chat
Location: Deborah J. Simon Culture Center
Thursday, 03/27 - 3:30PM
Red Panda Chat
Location: Forests
Friday, 03/28 - 9:15AM
Sea Lion Chat
Location: Oceans
Friday, 03/28 - 9:45AM
Flamingo Mingle
Location: Flights of Fancy

Educational Groups

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youth and family with flamingos
Plan your trip and get discounted tickets!

The Indianapolis Zoo is offering guests the opportunity to visit the zoo and save over 50% on admission, with our Celebration Days we are adding to the zoo’s event calendar. Thanks to our partners at MDwise, we will be offering discounted tickets of $15 on the following dates:

  • Earth Day – April 22
  • Juneteenth – June 19
  • Independence Day – July 4
  • Halloween – October 31
  • Wildlife Conservation Day – December 4