
Take Action:

Be a Conservation Champion with the Prize

We believe that everyone can make a difference in conservation, and we are inspired by the incredible achievements of conservation heroes like Indianapolis Prize honorees. As we take an active role in preserving our planet’s biodiversity, we encourage Zoo guests to join us in this mission.

Here are some exciting ways you can get involved:

Volunteer Opportunities:

Lend a hand by volunteering at the Zoo. From assisting with educational programs to helping in animal care, your time and effort can make a significant impact. Learn more about the Zoo’s volunteer program here.

Citizen Science Projects

Participate in local citizen science initiatives. By collecting data on local wildlife and ecosystems, you can contribute valuable information that assists in research and planning efforts.

Adopt an Animal

Support the Zoo’s global conservation efforts by joining our Animal Amigo program. Your adoption helps care for our animals and fund conservation programs for endangered species. Learn about Animal Amigos here.

Alliy Moyer's profile image
Alliy Moyer
Conservation Public Relations Specialist