How Conservation Works

Saving Species

Conservation Action

Protecting Wild Species and Wild Spaces

The Global Center for Species Survival was born of a partnership between the Indianapolis Zoo and the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature for the purpose of supporting and connecting thousands of conservation experts working to secure a future for animals, fungi and plants by supporting conservation planning and action.

The Global Center team is comprised of conservation, communication and education experts who support the SSC with staff time, tools, information and resources that expand the capacity and success of the entire network in saving species near extinction.

Bearded dragon on a rock
Assess, Plan, Act, Network, Communicate
Species Conservation Cycle

The Species Conservation Cycle is made of five components, built on the Species Survival Commission (SSC) network and its efforts to value and conserve biodiversity through three essential functions: Assess, Plan and Act. This process is completed by communicating to a wide variety of audiences.